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Other / Tourism (Good)
3 October 2010 by
Why use an Accredited Space Agent
So you want to take a trip into space, and you happen to have a $200,000 in your pocket. Congratulations, you’re eligible for a suborbital flight on Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShip Two. So how do book your trip when you can’t find a listing for “space” on Travelocity?
Other / Tourism (Good)
13 April 2010 by G B Leatherwood
No gloves, no space tourist love
When Marianne Dyson, former NASA Mission Control specialist and author of “Space Station Science,” speaks with school children, she uses an exercise to demonstrate the difficulty of working in space. She has them try to pick a dime off a table top...while wearing boxing gloves.
Other / Tourism (Good)
17 April 2008 by Carol Pinchefsky
He can see your house from here
Richard Garriot will be boarding the International Space Station in October after spending months in training, as well as millions of dollars.
Other / Tourism (Good)
24 January 2002 by Alan Breakstone
Interview with Space Adventures
by Alan Breakstone