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Reports / Tourism (Good)
8 July 2008 by Patrick Collins
A review of the conference
The first symposium on Personal Access to Space held by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) in Arcachon, France, May 28-30, 2008, was a mixture of both the encouraging and the discouraging.
Reports / Tourism (Good)
17 November 2001 by Alan Breakstone
By Alan Breakstone
Reports / Tourism (Good)
20 June 2001 by Patrick Collins
Only Passenger Market Can Pay for Reusable Launch Vehicles
For the first time in Nasa’s more than 40-year history, Nasa funds have been used to ask US citizens whether they would like to take a trip to space - and the results strongly endorse Space Future's position.
Reports / Tourism (Good)
1 April 2001 by Peter Wainwright
Space tourism speech stirs up the crowd
SpaceProjects.com's Rich Robins has written a report of the recent FAA conference on space transportation, with a special focus on Patrick Collins and issues close to Space Future's heart:
Reports / Tourism (Good)
18 October 1999 by Patrick Collins
Session Shows Up Folly of Current Space Leadership
Eight excellent papers concerning various aspects of space tourism were presented to an audience of about 100 people in the session "Space Tourism and other Novel Space Applications" held on October 7th at the 50th IAF Congress in Amsterdam. (There were no other topics.)
Reports / Tourism (Good)
25 June 1999 by Sam Coniglio
STA "Going Public" conference featured heavy hitters from many industries
Over 100 people from around the world gathered at the Space Transportation Association's "Going Public" Space Tourism conference in Washington, D.C. to learn more about the issues inhibiting space tourism from becoming a viable endeavor.