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Online / Tourism (Good)
30 May 2008 by Carol Pinchefsky has some answers has kindly given us permission to quote their article, “Five Things You Didn’t Know: Space Tourism.”
Online / Tourism (Good)
29 June 2007 by Alan Breakstone
...for a paltry $100 million
by Alan Breakstone
Online / Tourism (Good)
13 September 2006 by Carol Pinchefsky
...just call her rich, talented, and space-bound
by Carol Pinchefsky
Online / Tourism (Good)
28 July 2004 by Alan Breakstone
Constellation Services International considering tourist flights
by Alan Breakstone
Online / Tourism (Good)
21 November 2002 by
What Real People Want from Space
Online / Tourism (Good)
6 November 2002 by Carol Pinchefsky
One future
According to a recent article, flights to space that now cost US$20 million per person may eventually drop to US$100,000.
Online / Tourism (Good)
25 April 2002 by Sam Coniglio
Second paying tourist; banquet; X Prize rocket in New York
This week is turning out to be very newsworthy for the space tourism industry. First, the world's second paying space passenger is set to fly on Thursday, April 25. Mark Shuttleworth, a South African dotcom multi-millionaire, is ready for launch on a Vostok rocket from the Baikonour Cosmodrome in Kazakstan. Colonel Yuri Pavlovich Gidzenko is the commander of the Taxi-3 mission, also was a member of the first crew on the International Space Station Expedition-1 mission. Lieutenant Colonel Roberto Vittori, from Rome, Italy, completes the team. He has over 2000 hours experience in over 40 different aircraft. Mark Shuttleworth has excellent companions for his trip to the ISS. Keep posted at the First African in Space website:
Online / Tourism (Good)
8 January 2002 by Carol Pinchefsky
Plans to visit space as a cosmonaut
According to an article in, Mark Shuttleworth will become the world's second paying space tourist at the going rate of US$20 million. Or will he?
Online / Tourism (Good)
17 December 2001 by Patrick Collins
Tom Rogers interviewed
Online / Tourism (Good)
23 October 2001 by Patrick Collins
Space Future Wins Years-long Campaign
The very positive report on the feasibility of space tourism published by Nasa in March 1998 is now available via Nasa's web-site. Typing 'space tourism' into the search form brings it up as the 3rd reference, dated 25 July, 2001. This follows three and a half years during which Nasa administrator Goldin prevented it being publicly accessible.