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News / Tourism (Bad)
3 December 2008 by G B Leatherwood
Executive sees this as setback, not failure
Usually no means no, but not to the folks building Spaceport America, a commercial spaceport currently in development and earmarked for space tourism. In fact, Steve Landeene, executive director of the New Mexico Space Authority (NMSA), viewed the loss of a tax increase referendum in Otero County, New Mexico, that would support Spaceport America as little more than a temporary setback.
News / Tourism (Bad)
3 January 2008 by Carol Pinchefsky
Station Crew 6, Space Tourists 0
by Carol Pinchefsky
News / Tourism (Bad)
21 August 2006 by Carol Pinchefsky
Replacement to ISS to be determined
According to a BBC article Daisuke Enomoto, the Japanese businessman who had planned to travel to the International Space Station, has failed his medical test.
News / Tourism (Bad)
12 November 2000 by Patrick Collins
...Duped by Own Space Agency?
On October 27 the British government published its reply to the recent tenth Report of its Select Committee on Trade and Industry which had recommended an independent review of launch vehicle investment policy, including the issue of passenger travel. This was the first time that any country's space policy has been challenged on this issue at such a high politicial level - and the Blair government's response illustrates well the bitter resistance of the existing 'space industry' to long-overdue change - because it totally ignores the central economic issue raised by the Select Committee!
News / Tourism (Bad)
19 December 1999 by
Mars failures Only Minor Influence In Space Apathy
In a Mobile, Alabama Register editorial titled poorly, "Mars failures may have influenced," are the seeds of discontent that Americans feel towards a spectator "space program."