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8 August 2005 by Carol Pinchefsky
The overview effect strikes again
The BBC has written an article on the environmental impact of the space shuttle.
Media / Tourism (None)
2 October 2002 by Patrick Collins
Training Continues While Project Seeks Funds
Sadly, Lance Bass will not fly on the upcoming Soyuz “taxi flight,” as reported earlier. However, he is continuing his training, so the possibility remains open that he could fly next year. Bass has been tethered by a lack of necessary funding; his backers could not provide the $20 million in time.
Media / General (None)
9 October 2001 by Peter Wainwright
October 10, 2001, 8-9PM Pacific Time
Mr. Rick Tumlinson, President and co-Founder of the Space Frontier Foundation, will be the guest on the radio show "Business Without Boundaries", Wednesday evening, October 10, 8-9PM Pacific Daylight Time. "Business Without Boundaries," hosted by Dr. David Livingston, focuses on timely and important business issues germane to the development of outer space commerce and space tourism..
Media / Habitat (None)
4 September 2001 by Carol Pinchefsky
September 5, 2001, 8-9PM Pacific Time
Pheonix, Ariz--Declan O'Donnell will be the guest on the radio show, "Business Without Boundaries", Wednesday evening, September 5, 8-9PM Pacific Daylight Time. "Business Without Boundaries," hosted by Dr. David Livingston, focuses on timely and important business issues germane to the development of outer space commerce and space tourism.  
Media / Tourism (None)
3 February 2000 by Patrick Collins
Spreading into the mainstream...
A surprising number of "special reports" on the 21st century published in newspapers and magazines fail even to mention the possibility of space tourism - which shows just how blind they are. That's because the growth of space tourism is going to be a "core change" in human society through the 21st century, as the spread of air travel world-wide was a core change of 20th century society. (It would be an interesting project for a student (perhaps studying the history of technology?) to survey and record how inaccurate these turn-of-the-century articles were.)
Media / General (None)
5 October 1999 by Sam Coniglio
A Poll on Public Space Travel is being conducted this week
National Public Radio's Marketplace is interviewing Lou Dobbs, former CNN Financial News anchor, and now producer of on Wednesday, October 6 at 6:30 pm PST (check your local radio listings). is a new web site devoted to all types of space-related news.
Media / General (None)
18 August 1999 by Patrick Collins
...but he still doesn't "get it"
A short article entitled, "Human Mars mission not a priority, Clinton says" (_Space News_, August 2, p 2) reports that on July 21, 1999, the US President told a press conference "...the benefits to us here on Earth of continued advances in space..." would capture the imagination of the American people more than going to Mars. This reflects what public opinion polls show and is perhaps to be expected from a President who became famous for his campaign slogan, "It's the economy, stupid".
Media / Tourism (None)
27 January 1999 by Patrick Collins
The November/December 1998 issue of "STA Spacetrans", the newsletter of the Space Transportation Association, describes the first time that a NASA Administrator spoke out formally and positively in public about space tourism.
Media / Tourism (None)
6 November 1998 by Patrick Collins
Buzz Aldrin, space tourism's most famous supporter, appeared with David Letterman "the most powerful man in American broadcasting" on November 3. His invitation was triggered in part by the orbital trip being taken by the 77-year-old John Glenn.
Media / Tourism (None)
14 October 1998 by Patrick Collins
"The idea of space tourism is suddenly hot."
Under the headline "Vacations in Orbit" journalist Jeffrey Kluger subtitled Time magazine's first article on the recent activities aimed at realising space tourism "Apollo 11 moonwalker Buzz Aldrin has flown in space twice. Now he's hoping to send you there too."