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Media / Tourism (Good)
26 March 2010 by Carol Pinchefsky
Is accomplished
Richard Garriott has the best geek cred, ever. Not only was his father an astronaut, but also he earned a not-so-small fortune writing videogames. Garriott plays with the most awesome toys (he owns a freakin’ Sputnik), lives in the coolest house (featured on HGTV and MTV’s Cribs), and has the most fun of anyone you’ll ever meet.
Media / Tourism (Good)
3 November 2008 by G B Leatherwood
Or will. Someday
During his flight to the International Space Station from 10 October to 24 October 2008, video game designer and first second-generation astronaut Richard Garriott had to planned a spacewalk outside the International Space Station wearing a to-die-for timepiece: the Seiko Spring Drive Spacewalk watch. Alas, neither Garriott nor the Spacewalk walked in space.
Media / Tourism (Good)
7 August 2003 by Carol Pinchefsky
A book review
By Carl Roberts
Media / Tourism (Good)
28 March 2002 by Alan Breakstone
Breaking the Myth of the Right Stuff
US television viewers learned about the exciting new world of space tourism on the American Broadcasting Company's (ABC) "World News Tonight," the network's nightly world news broadcast.
Media / Tourism (Good)
29 January 2002 by Carol Pinchefsky
Documentary on the Travel Channel
A documentary on space tourism will be appearing on Thursday, January 31, at 9pm EST on the Travel Channel. _Space: The Final Vacation_ promises an out-of-this-world look at the armchair astronaut's most coveted destination.
Media / Tourism (Good)
13 June 2001 by Patrick Collins
Listeners' Questions Welcome
Media / Tourism (Good)
18 October 1999 by
Customers Lining Up to Tour Space But a ticket may cost almost $100,000
This article appeared in the business and finance section, not the human interest section. Next milestone is for it to appear in the travel section, where future space tourists will lust for the ultimate "get away from it all" vacation.
Media / Tourism (Good)
30 March 1999 by Patrick Collins
Author to become new recruit for the cause?
"October Sky" is a delightful film based on the autobiographical book "Rocket Boys" by Homer Hickham Jr, which tells of his inspiration as a teenager by the launch of Sputnik 1 in October 1957. As a result he decided he wanted to build rockets, although his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps as a coal-miner. Encouraged by his school-teacher and his mother, Homer began building model rockets with some friends, and through persistence they ultimately won a national science competition - and scholarships that allowed them to escape from coal-mining. (Homer himself ended up working for NASA, from where he recently retired.)
Media / Tourism (Good)
28 May 1998 by Patrick Collins
"I want Virgin to be at the heart of it"
Richard Branson, Founder and Chairman of Virgin Atlantic Airways, spoke on the Discovery Channel on May 11 about his plans to offer space trips to the public, which he has mentioned before. "Never has the idea of space travel been more popular and most of us dream that we might just see the Earth from space during our lifetime. The exciting thing about technological development is that it can rapidly make the seemingly impossible become reality and nowhere is that more true than transport."