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Events / General (Good)
13 September 2010 by Carol Pinchefsky
TEDx lecture series about space, starting this month
The TED Conference lecture series includes anecdotes and stories from the movers and shakers of the world, such as Richard Branson and Benoit Mandelbrot, as well as other people with tales to tell. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, but TED has come to mean “ideas worth spreading.”
Events / General (Good)
13 July 2009 by G B Leatherwood
Join the conference in more ways than one
Attending any of the several space conferences is like standing atop an apex of time. Face this way, and you can look back at where we were, and what has happened since the last time we looked. Take a quarter turn, see and hear where we are now and the people making news. Take another quarter turn, and you are facing the future—what is yet to be done, who is going to do it, and how.
Events / General (Good)
2 July 2008 by Carol Pinchefsky
NewSpace themes to be discussed
The Space Frontier Foundation is sponsoring a conference entitled NewSpace 2008: Creating the Future or Living in the Past.
Events / General (Good)
12 April 2002 by Sam Coniglio
...And worldwide
Events / General (Good)
18 October 2001 by Carol Pinchefsky
"In Search of: '2001'"
Los Angeles, California
Events / General (Good)
13 November 1999 by
ISS Commercialization Takes Stage in Seattle
The Space Enterprise Symposium will take place on Saturday, November 13 at Seattle's Museum of Flight. Five speakers will discuss commercialization of the International Space Station at the day-long event, which is sponsored by the Space Frontier Foundation, the Northwest Venture Group, the MIT Enterprise Forum of the Northwest, the Museum of Flight, and ProSpace America.
Events / General (Good)
30 May 1999 by
Come join the festivities
Space Capitalists, a new group being formed by some of the members of the Houston Space Society, is planning a party at the International Space Development Conference being held here in Houston. The party will take place in our corner suite at the Radisson Hotel near Hobby Airport on Sunday 30 May 1999, starting at 9 p.m. and going as late as we please. Ask the hotel operator (from any house phone) to connect you with Jim Davidson's room, and someone will tell you the room number. Or look for the Space Pork Dollar posters.