23 August 2000
Online - Tourism (None)
Space Renaissance Man
The Argonauts profile John Spencer
by Peter Wainwright
Just to prove that Mike Kelly, CEO of Kelly Space & Technology, isn't the only one getting a little press attention lately (GQ Magazine, September 2000), founder of Space Renaissance Inc and the Space Tourism Society John Spencer has recently been profiled by The Argonauts, a web magazine focussing on adventure travel.

The August issue also covers recent events in Las Vegas, including the debate on whether or not to call Denis Tito, who recently paid up US$20m to visit Mir in early 2001, a 'space tourist'. (We reckon he is, but we also reckon he's entitled to call himself anything he wants for $20m!)

Adventure tourism is a good analogy for the intial phases of space tourism, particularly if you're looking for equivalent market research. The Titanic submarine excursions being marketed by comapnies like Space Adventures are one good example that is not so far removed from a short orbital or suborbital space tourism excursion. It's good to see web magazines like The Argonauts recognising the appeal of space tourism -- expect to see a lot more coverage by the adventure tourism media in the future as the idea catches on.
Source: The Argonauts, www.theargonauts.com

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Peter Wainwright 23 August 2000
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